Luckily, in the last five years the game’s the community has coalesced around a dozen-or-so stellar mods that everyone absolutely must add to their playthroughs. You have to install this mod and load from a save before you visited the area, or start a new game.If it’s been a while since you dove into Dragon Age’s rich lore or loveable characters, you probably missed out on the game’s mod scene. If you already visited Lowtown before in that act, the contents of the merchant will not update.

NOTE: To see the effects of this mod, you must visit the area for the first time.

The refugee you want to loot is the one you find just after meeting aveline, which also contains a mana and stamina potions. This mod adds 7 backpacks to the contents of the dead refugee that you find the prologue, therefore reaching inmmediately the 120 limit. This is a "cheat" mod, but it is great for people who don´t want to bother with the inventory or want to finish the game quickly. Sometimes you just don´t want to bother checking the merchants for backpacks, or using the console to add backpacks is slow and you sometimes forget. The rest of backpacks remain the same as the original game. This makes things balanced compared to his counterpart in Hightown, and make sense considering that it is an apparel shop. This mod adds a backpack in act2, and another in act3, to the Tailor merchant in Lowtown. This mod adds 2 more backpacks to the game, so that you can reach the actual limit of the inventory in the game, 120 slots. At most, you can buy 5, thus reaching 100 slots. The size limit of the inventory ingame is of 120 slots, but there is not enough backpacks in the game to reach that size. There are 2 different versions of this mod: This mod adds several backpacks to the game, increasing the size of the inventory.