Now their behavior would be a "regroup" function where they will always try to stay close to the player. On public/private matches the option to have them replace any non human players could be turned on and off so that you aren't stuck with them ALL the time. The Horde menu would now look similar to one your would find in the regular Training Grounds section.

Ok first you have the option for the bots to be included or not, and you can decide the number of bots you want with you as well as their skill level. I have presented a way for allied bots (computer controlled teammates) to be implemented in such a way that it can almost simulate having an actual horde team. The difference is that the people who are forced to play offline cannot enjoy the full experience (a five man team fighting the locust horde) of this great gametype. Horde mode is an excellent game type that people can play for hours on and offline.
There is a large amount of the Gears 2 fanbase that either can't afford a Gold membership for Xbox Live or who cant get high speed internet fast enough to support Gears of War 2.