Whatever the case, we end up doing our work rather than God's work. Perhaps it is a work that God does not want started yet. Perhaps it is a work that God has already finished. In our Christian walk, jumping the gun and going offside both translate into the same thing: doing the wrong work! Instead of directing our energies into the work God has ordained for us, we seek to do another work. They indicate a person who cannot subjugate his or her zeal to the "rules of the game." A person guilty of these infractions misdirects effort, wasting valuable resources of time and energy.

Jumping the gun and going offside are sure signs that one lacks self-control. When the referee caught me, the entire team had to pay the penalty of lost yardage. Overanxious to gain the competitive edge on the boy facing me, I would cross the line of scrimmage before the center snapped the ball, starting the play. It was a false start the race had to be restarted.Įver go offside? I occasionally did when I played football as a teenager. Often, his precipitate action was contagious, influencing other boys to rise from the blocks too soon.

An overzealous boy would leap from the starting blocks prematurely, before the gun sounded, before the clock started. Ever jump the gun? When I officiated at junior high and high school track meets years ago, I saw runners do it now and then.