We’ve put together a collection of 20 straightforward and effective activities that you can host with minimal cost or resources. Or, perhaps you’re a larger SME hoping to boost engagement and cultivate loyalty as your team experiences growth. You may have started out on your own but recently decided to hire your first employees and are looking for ways to engage them. These exercises work for teams of all shapes and sizes. In this post, we’re going to show you how to facilitate team building activities that foster strong relationships within your team and enhance your company’s culture. Good relationships between employees are the building blocks for a well-founded company culture, something that 94% of executives and 88% of employees say is important to business success. Strong relationships with coworkers and mentors motivate us to perform at peak levels and enjoy ourselves in the process. These Activated abilities are sufficiently powerful to defeat Divine Masks, though not Dub-lits.In life, family, friends, teachers and mentors all help to define our future and put us on the road to success. These are very helpful both for their ability to attack twice every round and for their Activated abilities such as Freeze Strike. More advanced Resolve teams can incorporate Ultimate Evo ogres such as Ice Samurai Ogre or any other dual-element combination. On the final floor of Wednesday Dungeon, be sure to take out Mystic Mask first because it attacks every round.Ĭonfused? Try this video it should help a bit. Then every time two enemies are set to attack at the same time, target one of them and eliminate them first. Try and stall on the first floor of the dungeon to charge up any active skills and store orbs of your primary color. Because all of the recommended Healers restore 3x their RCV or more every time orbs are matched, this will ensure they can heal a team every round above the 70% minimum threshold for an ogre's Resolve to trigger. The key to this strategy is that the Healer leader needs to have an RCV of at least 23.5% of the team's total hit points (including their own hit points in this total). (It is helpful but not necessary for the Healer ally to be the same color as well.) All monsters on a basic resolve team are farmable with little difficulty early in the game, making them important for non-IAP and newer players.Ī basic resolve team includes a low level Ogre as one leader a friend's, ,, or as the second leader and four monsters with extremely low hit points such as Sprites or Dragon Seeds, preferably of the same color as the ogre to maximize attacking on a single color orb.

Sometimes called "Zombie teams," a Resolve Team's primary use is for clearing the difficult Expert levels of Wednesday Dungeon and Friday Dungeon.