Every time the follower switches targets, they quickly check the PC stats and if they are low, I manually apply the animation, sound and healing to the player using scripts. Sometimes conflicts are baked into save games from old mods that were previously installed. (Other games, like Skyrim, won’t require this tweak, and you can skip to the next section). Yep, there's a mod called Increased Follower Limit on Bethesda's own website.
In 2281, Legate Lanius commented that the West would fall as the East fell and that all the land between would bear the mark of Legion.
Amazing Follower Tweaks is a Skyrim mod that can help you manage all your followers. Bethesda made a slow entry to MMO world with their game The Elder Scrolls Online in 2014 but with constant support to the game, it has come back better than ever. Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction (F4ECC) is a mod that aims to increase the quality of the visuals in Fallout 4 without drastically changing the look of the game. With this Fallout 4 mod for PS4, players can easily hack Follower slot can only host one NPC, so if you recruit somebody to slot 1, recruiting anybody else to slot one will dissmis the forst NPC 4. Alters AFT so that the follower name options are replaced by a new set of user requested names.